읽기 I
Dimensions variable
2 creative stories, 2 paint cans, 2 incandescent lights, a chair, peaches and performance

Performance Period :22 Aug - 17 Sep, 2012
Location: Room DG 11, D block, Chelsea college of Art and Design, 16 John Islip street, LONDON
[Performer’s script]
She walks into the room and sits on the chair.
She fills out the time table, writing the date and time.
She starts reading the stories (1. This is a love story / 2. You are not a believer, you are a sucker )
; she reads some parts aloud, mutters some parts and skips some parts (only reads by eyes).
When she finishes reading them, she stays there about 10 seconds.
She leaves the room (abruptly, giving an impression of disappearing).
She is not there anymore.